Elaine Boland Featured
I am a board certified behavioral sleep medicine specialist and licensed psychologist with over a decade of experience providing evidenced-based care for sleep, anxiety, and life stress. My approach is empathic, collaborative and integrative, pulling from cognitive-behavioral and acceptance-based approaches to improving sleep and mental health. Prior to beginning my practice, I spent over 10 years at the Cpl. Michael J. Crescenz VA Medical Center in Philadelphia where I provided care for veterans struggling with sleep disorders, stress and anxiety. I provided clinical training and supervision to pre- and post-doctoral trainees and served as a consultant for the VA’s national training program for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia. I have led continuing education workshops and presentations on sleep and mental health for practitioners nationwide. In addition to my VA career, I held a faculty appointment as Assistant Professor of Psychology in the department of Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine. I conducted National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and VA-funded research on the intersection of sleep and mental health, including a specific focus on circadian rhythms and life stress in women experiencing symptoms of perimenopause. To date, I have published over 40 articles and book chapters and have an active role in sleep and psychological societies.
Clinician Details
Clinician Degree(s)
BSM Specialties
CBT - I Experience
BSM Experience
Primary Language
BSM/CBT-I CE courses attended in the Past 5 Years?
BSM/CBT-I CE courses you have taught in past 5 years?
PSYPACT Licensed
Board Certification
Training Experience
5 -10 Years
Practice Name
Elaine Boland PhD, LLC
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Accepting New Patients
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Year Practice Established
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