Sari Chait Featured
Dr. Sari Chait is a Clinical Psychologist based in MA who provides online therapy throughout MA, NY, FL, and CT. She specializes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), with additional expertise in health psychology. She has worked with people struggling with insomnia and sleep difficulties for the last 20 years and also often works with people coping with anxiety, fertility and postpartum struggles, adjustment to chronic illness and cancer, depression, and stress management. Dr. Chait works with her clients to develop a toolbox of skills to help them manage their sleep better and any other mood or stress concerns that are impacting their sleep.
Before working in private practice, Dr. Chait worked in several medical settings including two VA hospitals and primary care clinics. She received her PhD from the University of South Florida in Tampa, FL. As part of her training, she completed a clinical internship and fellowship at the VA in Connecticut.
Before working in private practice, Dr. Chait worked in several medical settings including two VA hospitals and primary care clinics. She received her PhD from the University of South Florida in Tampa, FL. As part of her training, she completed a clinical internship and fellowship at the VA in Connecticut.
Clinician Details
10 - 20 Years
Behavioral Health and Wellness Center