State: NM
Katherine Belon Featured
Dr. Belon is a licensed clinical psychologist with a Diplomate in Behavioral Sleep Medicine (DBSM) specializing in evidence-based approaches within the domains of behavioral sleep medicine, health psychology, and trauma. She received her PhD from the University of New Mexico in 2016 and went on to a postdoctoral fellowship focused on pain and sleep.
Dr. Belon is extensively trained in and achieved proficiency and consultant status in CBT-I. She also provides the broader array of behavioral sleep medicine interventions, including PAP desensitization/adherence, Imagery Rehearsal Therapy and CBT-N for nightmares, behavioral treatments for circadian rhythm disorders, and cognitive behavioral interventions to support adjustment to chronic sleep disorders (narcolepsy, hypersomnia). Addit ...
licensed Clinical psychologist in the state of New Mexico. CBT-I trained.